Manufactured Home Cleaning & Maintenance Tips

Cleaning Tips for Inside

Spring cleaning is a notch above your typical everyday cleaning. Once a year it is beneficial to take a closer look and do a deeper clean of specific items in your home.

1. Walls, surfaces & fixtures: Use gentile products and solutions to wipe down all of your walls, surfaces and fixtures. Using abrasive harsh chemicals can wear down your fixtures making them appear older than they are and in some cases cause yellowing of walls and other surfaces.

2. Windows: Wash your windows inside and out as well as any window treatments you may have.

3. Baseboards, doors & handles: A damp cloth can be used to dust your baseboards and doors. Use a disinfectant to wipe down all handles in your home.

4. Light bulbs & smoke detectors: Check the batteries in your smoke detector and replace any burnt out light bulbs.

Exterior Maintenance Checklist

There are 6 items that you should check yearly for any maintenance or repairs to help prolong the life of your mobile home. 

1. Foundation or support structure: Check for any cracks or imbalances caused by potential settling. Just like site-built homes, mobile homes can start to sink and settle over time. Manufactured homes should be releveled at least once a year to account for shifting. Homes with more complicated or permanent foundations should be checked professionally. Unlevel homes can cause issues such as doors and windows that won’t shut or seal properly, leaks or cracks in the walls, and drafts of air and humidity entering the home.

2. Skirting: Skirting is the perimeter enclosure around the bottom of your mobile home and is designed to keep unwanted moisture from getting underneath the home. Check regularly for holes or cracks in your solid skirting that might allow moisture or rodents to get into the home.

3. Roof: Check your roof to clear debris and replace any missing roof shingles. You will also want to check for soft spots or cracks in the roof caulking. Roof integrity is important for keeping moisture out of your home.

4. Gutters: Keeping your gutters cleaned of leaves and debris not only helps prolong the life of your gutters but also helps to protect your roof. If gutters are left to clog, they can become too heavy and fall off of the home causing significant damage.

5. Siding: Keep your siding clean to avoid mold and mildew from taking over. A mild cleaning solution and water can help keep your home exterior clean.

6. Heating & HVAC systems: Changing and cleaning filters should be done regularly to maintain air cleanliness in your mobile home. Once a year it is a good idea to fully vacuum out these air systems.

Of course freshening up your mulch and other landscaping can add to the appeal of your home as well as your mobile home community overall. Taking care of any home can be time consuming and let’s face it, not a fun task to complete. Reward yourself for a job well done with some social time with neighborhood friends out on your refreshed patio!

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